Day 7 R.A. challenge

Day 7: Twin Flames: Romance Attraction e-Course challenge.

From Lesson 7 "Wild Attraction." ❤🔥

Shaleia shares, "One of the most important ways to prepare for your Twin Flame is by clearing out your reality: this is about clearing out thoughts and beliefs of separation from your Twin Flame, and thoughts and beliefs that come from a gap of non-love, and you replace those thoughts with love."

For the activity in the course, it's about clearing out anything in your reality that doesn't' spark joy, similar to Marie Kondo's method, but going deeper to remove anything that doesn't vibrate in harmony with your Twin Flame Union.

It doesn't matter if it's an old email or digital photo, "If you're keeping those somewhere in your consciousness, you're holding on to that."

I had done a clean sweep of my home long ago, even releasing things such as paintings I did when i dated someone else, and even my custom made silk wedding dress from a previous marriage (here's a blog I wrote on that:

... but I hadn't tackled the digital realm of my consciousness. I started with my old hotmail and google accounts and did a big cleanup. Then it was my images and videos. I had got rid of any photos or emails from exes long ago, but there were still a multitude of old emails from coworkers, former friends, people I'd never speak with again. all of that was taking up space in my reality, and energetically it was a load I was carrying.

I deeply desire to simplify my life, and feel lighter in the process.

I didn't just focus on digital items. My physical space was getting a makeover too. We are planning to move to Michigan soon, and we want to let go of any excess weight we don't need.

During my purging process, I came across a box. Inside the box was a set of old coins, and a rusted knife belonging to my bio dad. I don't know why I kept those things - my dad broke his bond with me when he passed away and I learned he wrote me out of his will. Our relationship had ended. I didn't need these coins or the knife anymore.

The coins, I won't spend much energy on them. If I can't pawn them easily, I'll simply throw them away. They represented a time when holding on to things "in case they are valuable later" was the thing to do. Anyone collect Beanie Babies thinking the same thing?

The knife was easy to discard. As I was walking to the dumpster to throw away the knife, I tripped and fell, scraping my knee. Thankfully, the knife was concealed safely - it was a flip knife, and wouldn't have punctured me since it was flipped in. But, I knew instantly that the knee scraping was the old energy the knife represented, trying to harm me and hold me back. That is what I was releasing.

I let it go, and claimed the space back for my whole Union. My Union feel more pure and light now. I feel like there's space for just what is true - us - and every form of previous conditioning is now on its way out, paving the way for our Ascension.

No matter where you are on the Twin Flame journey, the Romance Attraction e-Course will help you magnetize more love in your life. I encourage you to watch Lesson 7 again, even if you have before, because there's always more to let go of, both inwardly and outwardly, until you are in Perfect Union.


RA Challenge Day 8


Always more love…