Twin Flame Mirroring - why?

Your Twin Flame is your divine Mirror. They're going to mirror your consciousness back to you for healing.

Some people like to vent about their Twin Flame journey, but when they come to me, they get frustrated. They believe that because I present a solution to their problem, I'm not hearing them. However, I am hearing you properly and taking you to the next level. I've been coaching Twin Flames for years. Currently, I am living with my Twin Flame, Josh, as a result of practicing the Teachings of Union, the same teachings I guide you with. I understand what it takes to get you from where you are now to where you want to be with your Twin Flame.

Many people believe that validation or commiserating with someone who nods along is the key to healing. In the past, maybe complaining and seeking validation worked for you. I used to do that too—hanging out with friends, sipping wine, and gossiping about guys. However, the mirror exercise taught me that your Twin Flame is literally you. Anything you say about your Twin Flame is actually about yourself because they're mirroring you.

Let's clarify what Mirroring means, as it's often misunderstood. Mirroring isn't copying behaviors like going to bars or drinking. It's about reflecting limiting thoughts and beliefs that keep you separate from your good. For instance, if your Twin Flame engages in activities that make you feel bad, they're mirroring the feelings, not the actions. Your feelings are the key to the Mirror Exercise.

Let's walk through an example. If your Twin Flame is disconnecting by going out to bars, and it makes you feel left out or disconnected, that feeling is what you mirror. In the mirror exercise, turn it back to yourself: "I'm upset because my twin flame is disconnecting from me." Then, change the nouns to point at yourself: "I'm upset because I'm disconnecting from myself." Ask if it's true, and if so, identify the part of you that's disconnected (step 3). Ask that part what it needs to feel loved and give that to yourself (step 4.)

Another scenario: your twin flame spends more time with their family than with you, making you feel left out or unloved. In the mirror exercise, identify the feelings and turn them inward: "I'm upset because I don't feel loved by my twin flame." Change it to yourself: "I'm upset because I don't feel loved by myself." Ask what you need to feel loved and give it to yourself until you feel complete and whole.

I guide my clients through the mirror exercise, listening to their concerns and providing a different solution. I offer free consultations this month, and you can claim yours on my website. Coaching is for those serious about getting out of separation and into permanent harmonious union.

I've walked this path, and I'd love to help you on your journey.

Are you ready to fast-track your journey toward your Harmonious Twin Flame Union with me as your guide?

Take your next step with me now.


A deeper, richer love.


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