Flaking on you?

SITUATION: You're not blocked, but your Twin Flame is breadcrumbing, flaking on you, or ghosting you. Love spells, specific words in a text, sexy attire, or pheromone perfumes won't magically bring your Twin Flame closer. Phew, right? So, what does work? You'll want to WATCH THIS:

Many of you might be familiar with the Mirror Exercise, a process that helps you take your power back from what's upsetting in your reality. This exercise helps you delve deeper into understanding and resolving the issues within yourself that may be reflecting in your Twin Flame Union.

Maybe you've begun to practice the Mirror Exercise, and you've experienced some shifts, but your Twin Flame still doesn't want to have anything to do with you. The answer is: keep going deeper!

Why The Mirror Exercise Works:

The key is to understand that the connection you have with your Twin Flame mirrors the relationship you have with yourself.

Your Twin Flame is doing in their relationship with you what you do in relationship to yourself/ God.

If you feel ignored or dismissed by your twin flame, chances are you're doing the same to yourself, perhaps by ignoring your own feelings or not keeping promises you make to yourself.

By practicing the Mirror Exercise and giving yourself the love and attention you crave, you begin to heal and create a positive magnetism. This positive energy can help attract your Twin Flame back into a deeper and more meaningful connection.

I've personally used this exercise to work through challenges with my Twin Flame. It's not a one-time fix but rather a continuous process that may require multiple sessions to peel back the layers of emotional complexity.

Remember, healing and deepening your connection with your Twin Flame starts with loving and understanding yourself, and learning to go deeper with and master the Mirror Exercise is your gateway to this process! Stay authentic, embrace the process, and let love guide you.


Final Surrender