What happens after Union?

Today I had some time to hem up my Twin Flame’s uniform pants for culinary school. It had been decades since I sewed anything at all, and I don't consider myself a masterful seamstress at all. However it brought me great joy to be able to do this simple act of service for my man because I love him and love supporting him. In Union we can support each other and be so much more than we are as solo individuals.

Years previously, I experienced painful separation from my Twin Flame. I couldn't see then how on Earth we would come together. But now that we're here, in a place of peace together, it's the most stable relationship I've ever had in my life. The way to get here was laid out completely in Twin Flame Ascension School. All I did was surrender to following the guidance in the classes. The more I listened to what I was guided to do - without trying to do it "my" way - the swifter I made progress in getting out of separation and into Union.

Aside from the peace, the main difference in Union is that I do my inner work with my Twin Flame by my side. He may be in the other room of our home when I write in my Mirror Exercise journal, but we are together. As Jeff and Shaleia point out in TFAS, "Before Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water."

The work is the same before and after Union. Continuing to watch TFAS and do inner work is like eating and breathing. If we stopped, the life of our Union would seep away and we would need to start all over. It feels good to do the work of the day, the inner work, and the outer.

Keep going! Learn the Teachings of Union so that you can practice them to expand your entire life and way of being. You'll be so grateful for the blessings you'll receive beyond your wildest dreams as a result of this Work.


Bless yourself with romance!


A healing miracle!