Bless yourself with romance!

I was feeling under the weather today with a cold. I bought these nice shower steamers online, thinking they were going to be just that: nice. But, I was absolutely delighted at the care and attention that went in to all the details! Underneath each disc was a very powerful "I am" statement. It just made my day. It feels really good when someone goes the extra mile in their craft, giving generously. What a delight!

It’s important to bless yourself with romance every day, and these little things certainly are that!

This is what Jeff and Shaleia teach in the Twin Flames: Romance Attraction e-Course:

It's important to bless yourself daily with romance.

I bless myself with health, I bless myself with wealth, I bless myself with the whole gambit of goodness.

It's important to bless others when you see them not having love and romance in their life or even when you do see someone who has love and romance in their life.

Maybe you're not experiencing the great romance in your life that you desire right now, but you see a couple who seems to be exchanging romance in your visual perimeter. Instead of getting upset and feeling like, "Oh, God, I don't have that. I'm so mad. That reminds me that I don't have that."No! That IS for you! BLESS THEM. Bless their love and know that their love that they have: that is yours too! You have that love in your life.


It’s safe to feel.


What happens after Union?