It’s safe to feel.

It's safe to feel your feelings. "If you're feeling your feelings, you're connected to your primary way of relating to God: that's your feelings. That's how you sense God, it's your feelings. That's the primary sensor of your connection you have with God." ~Jeff and Shaleia, Twin Flame Asension School

Feeling all of your feelings is really important. Especially the uncomfortable feelings. It is there that the magic happens when you do the Mirror Exercise. You'll hear Jeff and Shaleia ask their students in Twin Flame Ascension School, and the Ascension Coaches ask their clients, "how do you feel right now?"

This is because your feelings always indicate something - whether you are in alignment with love, or whether something is not in alignment with love and needs to be restored to love.

It's safe to be vulnerable. It's safe feel all your feelings. It's safe to go there, and love yourself there. Step by step, that is how you restore your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.


Date night!


Bless yourself with romance!