Date night!

Josh and I have recently started incorporating date nights into our routine! Every week, we either explore a new restaurant or opt for a cozy night in, playing Baldur's Gate and indulging in Divine Dish. During the initial years of my Twin Flame journey, such moments were missing with my Twin. However, inspired by Jeff and Shaleia's Romance Attraction e-Course, I made it a point to treat myself and ensure a delightful time. This practice, rooted in self-love and healing, proved instrumental. My Twin Flame seamlessly joined in, partaking in the enjoyable activities I had embraced.

Our connection remains strong, and I continue to engage in the Mirror Exercise for ongoing healing, nurturing our Union, and fostering growth. With the constant guidance of these teachings and the unwavering support of our community, every moment remains vibrant. Our journey is a continuous evolution of love, and I am reminded that the same transformation is accessible to everyone. The teachings of Union are for you as well. You deserve to embrace them and claim the support you need! ❤️


You create your reality.


It’s safe to feel.